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By Charlene Lacandazo
It is not only the world of business in which Arabic translations prove to be of benefit. There are all corners of life in which other languages are encountered and communication difficulties arise. Take for example the medical profession: hospitals, dental clinics, walk in centres and community practices all over the country encounter communication difficulties on a daily basis.
Our world is more of a global community now than it ever was; people from all ethnic backgrounds are found living together, and in some areas, especially those within in an inner city environment communication difficulties can be difficult to overcome.
Finding the Way Forward
One way of overcoming the communication barrier is to use a translation service. Arabic translations can be used to keep a patient informed of their treatment and care plan. A care plan provided in their native language can be much more reassuring than something given to them in what could be their second or third language, and filled with a lot of medical terminology that would simply not be understood. Allowing a patient, whichever ethnic community they are from, to fully understand the treatment they are receiving is vital.
If necessary on admission to hospital for example Arabic translations could be done simultaneously by a family member or friend of the patient, so that they are aware of what is happening to them at all times. After admission it is important that the patient is kept continually informed of what is happening to them, and especially if that friend or family member is no longer available to rely on an outside Arabic translations service should be brought in to continue the flow of communication. This way the patient’s comments and concerns can be dealt with and reassurance and guidance can be offered where necessary.
Discharge Notes
When a patient is discharged from hospital, rather than the patient being given a letter or information and advice in a strange language, and having then to rely on the information to undergo Arabic translations from another family member or friend, who, let’s be honest, could misinterpret the information, would it not be better to invest in an Arabic translations service and have all of the information provided in a suitable, clear and easy to read form which leaves no room for misinterpretation or the possibility of the drugs and other guidance to go unheeded?
Ensuring the health and safety of patients at all times should be paramount to the care giving service, and ensuring that the patient has full knowledge of their care plan is imperative. Arabic translations may seem like a waste of time or money to some in offices away from the front line staff, but those who deal with communication issues on a daily basis will more than appreciate the input of a good and reliable Arabic translations service that will help to make their jobs and their lives a lot easier in the long run, and possibly prolong the health and wellbeing of the patient.
About the Author: Charlene Lacandazo writes for Rosetta Translation, a leading
professional translation office
in London, UK. Rosetta Translation specialises in
Arabic translation
, as well as
medical translation services
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