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Submitted by: Alexander Greene
The Roman Empire, first settlers, modern era sport betting together with sport itself became an inherent part of our lives since the earliest times. We can imagine how first fans were sitting next to each other at some sport event and cheering for the team. You perfectly recognize this feeling of anxiety when at home you and your better half put a stake on something that is very important to you both. Anyway, that is just an example how much of the betting is now in our blood and DNA. Generations and generations were practicing betting. The Gladiator fights demonstrated us first organized betting, and also first fixed fights. That is the only thing that can make us annoyed or rich, that depends on the information you may have on fixed game or fight. That is the reality of the modern sport and we must accept it.
If you want to make some money in sports betting, there are some things you have to learn before you sail into this risky adventure. Score tracking nowadays doesn’t mean a lot; you have to put all the factors in your calculation for making the correct bet. Teams play games, players will win or lose because of many factors. You mustnt rely on the numbers only, the home field also can bring the difference, and one injured player can make the difference between losing and winning. We all saw how Argentina lost in soccer this year, even with Lionel Messi. Numbers can be a very tricky thing.
The only thing we can conclude from this is that you need a good strategy to place your bets, cover your losses and win some money in the process. Lets take a look at a couple of betting strategies.
Martingale sports betting strategy
This system is the long term investment, with low and in most cases steady income. Here is the essence of this strategy: if you bet on small odds there will be the small winning. The system of Martingale sports betting is good for beginners because it teaches them how to protect the initial investment and slowly, safely multiply it in time. Also it is popular as steady strategy, and boring one because it teaches us that in $1 invested we should be happy to get $1.20. Totally without any excitement of betting and expectation of the win of your favorite team, or the odds you have put money on. But if you have patience, try it. Maybe in a couple of years, youll become a millionaire if your initial investment was $10.000. Who knows what can happen.
Kelly criterion
This system for betting can also be applied in sports betting. Kelly criterion system is for people who adore the math. Also it is built on odds and winning percentage but is easier for people who know math and excel. Kelly formula for excel can be downloaded with one simple search in your browser and you can start betting. This system also includes Full Kelly and Half Kelly approaches. The chances of seeing how your bankroll gets lower with Full Kelly are equal to 33%, and with Half Kelly – 11%. Anyway, you should bear this in mind if you are even average in math, and you love calculations before placing your bet. I dont love math so I will stay away from Kelly criterion.
Over\Under betting
This is becoming the most popular type of betting all over the world. Sometimes you just cant decide which team is going to win, or the numbers are just not promising money, check this column in the sports section. When you bet on the odds you dont bet against your favorite team. In basketball, this is called the safe bet. Especially in NBA. If you put your money in, for example over 160 points, its not important who wins, your money is probably going back into your wallet, and your nerves are safe even if the favorite team of yours doesnt win. Money is still yours and it just got multiplied. The only thing you want is a lot of points on the court and the ball to go fast through the hoops on both sides. The only thing that can take the money away and your nerves is one point under or over.
Sometimes when you want to bet on your favorite team, reconsider the odds you are proposed. If chances to win are lower than the amount of money you want to put that is the 100% lose in betting. Dont do that! Always look for couple of chances where the percentage to win is over 51%, try not to mix the odds when betting because chances like 55%, 70% and 82% for win will give you a good sum at the end of the day, but one game can cost you all the money if you lose. Tricky business wont you say? Like they say in Vegas, the house always wins.
When you look at the betting strategies online, you may not be happy with all the math equations used in the process of calculating odds for the win. The term Safe bet is never 100% sure investment. Maybe one or two players in the team are having a bad day. That situation can bring the whole team down, and there is no math equation that can predict a situation like this. Some people bet just on luck or feeling, but that never lasts long. If you keep tracking sports events in your favorite type of sport, you always have better chances to fill in the equation with some extra facts. If it rains, quarterback probably will not throw lots of passes to the wide receivers. When someone is chasing an NBA record, other players will give him the ball more often, like Durant in Olympic final game. There have been just too many scenarios we have to calculate before placing the bet.
In the end, we can draw a conclusion: choose your sport and league, be up to date with your favorite teams, and use every system you can. And always put some more factors in the equation before placing your bet.
About the Author: Alex Greene are Senior Editor at Sports Intensity, an online sportsbook review site dedicated to providing objective sports betting advice to the sports betting community. Visit their website at:
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