Helpful Constipation Solutions For Young Kids

Submitted by: Vanessatk Lopez

In certain period of our existence we certainly have been through constipation. Constipation is the passing of hard and hurtful stools and usually brought on by low fiber intake, ingesting a lot of milk products like cheese and milk, not drinking adequate fluids and not going to the comfort room once the urge come. Not heading to the restroom and ignoring the urge to defecate is common among the small children.

As parent or guardian of these children we should remind them never to ignore the need to defecate rather than hang on right up until the last minute.This occurs if your kid has hard and painful stools and he will definitely hold his bowel movements in order not to undergo the pain once again.

Constipation is better dealt with by making dietary modifications. If this condition has improved stool softeners and natural treatments can be utilized. Some measures that can be utilized to manage and prevent constipation in your kid comprise of the following:

1.Let your kid obtain adequate fluids just like water and fruit juice to soften the stool. It is suggested to take in 8-10 glasses each day otherwise contra-indicated to keep your child watered properly.

2.Avoid foods that create constipation and a few of these are bananas, cooked carrots, yogurt, cheese and cow’s milk. Soy milk is a great alternative and effective to soften stools as claimed by the medical professionals.


3.Obtain a liberal amount of bran muffins, cereals, whole wheat bread, crackers or shredded wheat in your child’s daily diet.

4.Increasing fiber in your child’s diet is in fact the most effective constipation remedy. The very best source of fibers are fruits and vegetables. Some of these vegetables that have outstanding fiber content are sweet potatoes, turnip greens, bean, peas, corn and raw tomatoes. Provide vegetable soup to your child’s diet due to the fact it has high fiber content and also a great way of hydration.

5.Utilization of stool softeners as a cure for constipation is often not desired because it is habit forming. Most often if your child begins to have diarrhea you then are giving too much and need to lessen the quantity. A smart practice that before using any medication to your child you need to first check with your physician to be able for you to get appropriate medical intervention and suitable advise in accordance to your child’s condition.

6.Last yet not the least treatment for constipation is by the use of herbal treatments and dietary supplements. A few of these examples and regarded as to be effective are the following:

a.vitamin E – a highly effective natural colon cleanse

.garlic – one that destroys bad microbes in the intestinal tract

c.vitamin C with Bioflavonoids – has restorative healing and cleansing effect

d.aloe vera- has healing and purifying effect on the digestive tract and aid softens stools when taken orally.

e.ginger – digestive tract stimulant for quick passage of stool.

f.chlorophyll liquid – removes toxins in the intestinal tract and avoid foul breath.

Mentioned previously are some of the ways to prevent and treat constipation in your child. It may not be successful for some yet the most important thing to do is to always seek advice from the physician specifically for chronic constipation to know and remedy the root cause of this condition.

About the Author: Vanessa Lopez is a freelance writer of

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