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Submitted by: Joseph Augustine
Public Relation is a skill that not only applies to the media. It applies to social situations, especially at networking events where your image is everything.
When you attended a local Chamber of Commerce networking event l like every other entrepreneur, go mix, mingle, find leads, and then make sales and create new money. Its the driving force behind every successful entrepreneur or business owner. The quicker you master these skills, the faster your business grows.
For example if there are 150 people roughly at the event. Go and at least try to meet about hundreds of journalism and PR mixers in that business crowd, which could give you a different experience. Here every man and woman could focused and self-aware. In such case you shouldnt wait for the right moment. You should try to seize even the smallest of openings.
Heres a quick rundown on how to apply public relations skills to any networking event.
Tip 1: Listen & Interact:
The best publicists know how to drive conversations. When youre networking, be conscious of your words also be conscious about how you are use them. Drive the conversation with open-ended questions that could lead you to intended destination. Learn how to grab information by guiding conversations, as opposed to talking to others.
The worst publicists talk to you and ask few questions. The worst publicists can drive a train into a house and they wont even see it coming. They arent in control of themselves or their ideas.
Tip 2: Make an Eye Contact:
This is just a common sense rule, but many people at this networking event fail to make consistent eye contact. This could happen because they are afraid of emotionally connecting to other persons or perhaps they could hide something.
So if you have difficulty making eye contact with others, one of the best way is to practice in the mirror, do believe that your eyes lead to your soul, so dont be afraid to reveal a part of yourself at these social events. Only then you can survive.
Tip 3: Prefect Dressing for a Good Start:
Do you ever wonder where all the dress rules have gone? Depending on when and where you are on any given business day, the words distant past might come to mind. Its difficult to decide if people dont know what to wear or if they have lost sight of the relevance of appearance to professional success.
The Queen of England is reported to have told Prince Charles, Dress gives one the outward sign from which people can judge the inward state of mind. One they can see, the other they cannot. Clearly, she was saying what many people are reluctant to accept; that people judge us by the way we dress. In all situations, business and social, our outward appearance sends a message.
Clothes dont necessarily make the man, but they sure are a good start!
Appearing healthy and confident is an important aspect of your overall presentation, particularly in your ones own industry. Make sure your personal style is appropriate and doesnt distract others.
Keep in mind that people need memorable things to grab onto that makes you notable. That could be your hair, clothes, a performance routine or anything really that makes you special. The point is to keep you consistent.
Be aware that connections are made through the sensory of skin. Use it to your advantage, and always be conscious of what you choose to wear that morning. Some business professionals dress up in an outfit similar to 1970s Kmart catalogue. If youre expressive or creative, you will likely express it in your clothes. The reality is when youre networking at these events, we base our perception on reality, and your reality is what youre wearing at the moment.
Business attire is different from weekend and evening wear. Investing in a good business wardrobe is an investment in your professional future. For those who think its not what you wear but who you are that creates success, give that some more thought. Business skills and experience count, but so do personal appearance and that all-important first impression.
Tip 4: Its About You:
In publicity, we need to think of what the media needs not what you need. Its no different at networking events. When you learn that you are talking to a commercial real estate designer, you need to learn more about what his / her needs are before you can determine whether or not you can work together.
This takes us back to point one. Listen and interact. The best publicists are authentic and you can feel it when you first meet. Thats because these publicists understand that it is really about all and not just you alone.
About the Author: Joseph is a Software developer and freelancer writes in blogs and develops free website services. He and his wife are working on different websites and free java tools. Some of the websites are given below.
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